Now that spring seems to be making a concerted effort to actually show up, I am eternally grateful that there are so many shops close to my home for me to choose from. I don't like going out in the rain! And I say that having grown up on the West (read: Wet) Coast. I love that I can get just about anything that I need within what is, in essence, skipping distance. I also really appreciate that most of my favourite stores are independants. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a hate on for chains or franchises. Necessarily. I just have a great deal of respect for those who choose to put their faith where their hearts are and go for broke; sometimes, literally. I think that might be one of the reasons why I like the idea of co-ops so much. Like minded people or groups of people working to support each other (even if only in principle). As far back as the 1830's, co-operative movements were already taking root in Canada, with insurance companies for farmers and creameries and cheese factories for dairy farmers being well established by the turn of the 20th century. The early 1900's saw the creation of prairie grain co-operatives, other farm groups such as fruit growers and livestock farmers as well as stores and financial institutions (like Caisse Pops and Credit Unions) in cities, towns and communities all across Canada. For anyone who is interested in a more detailed history, you can check out Canada's official 2012 International Year of Co-Operatives web site here.

Needless to say, we are now members and did I mention that I can't wait for the seedlings?? Nice place, friendly staffers and I highly recommend checking them out!
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