My husband and I split the cooking fairly evenly between the two of us. No hardship, as we both love to cook and our schdules are such that one of us will usually be home before the other, so it ends up being split fairly evenly. He tends to do more of the cooking on the weekends, where we will have a proper roast dinner or he'll get creative and put something together that is as architecturally stunning as it is tasty. Yesterday, however, he out did himself.
Sometimes, when neither of us has planned anything, he'll ask me what I'd like for dinner and I'll answer "Bacon double cheeseburgers with onion rings, rootbeer and cheesecake!" just to tease him. Guess what I got for my birthday dinner??

I was supposed to be off work today, but due to some scheduling conflicts got called in, so even though today is my birthday, he pulled this together for me last night. He acually started making it on Monday! The hamburger buns are actually a foccacia recipe that he made in some small cast iron skillets we have, and frankly they turned out amazing!

We had all the fixings, fried mushrooms, "cheese", tomatoes, letuce and pickles.And did I mention onion rings??? I'm not sure where he got the recipe, though I do intend to find out, but they are a baked ring that uses panko-like GF bread crumbs for the coating. I loved this as they turned out very like A&W onion rings, which were always my favourite, though these were way less salty and not at all greasy!
For dessert, he picked up an
Espresso Cheesecake from Sweets from the Earth that I really quite like and strongly recommend. Not only is it a company based in Toronto, but they are (among other things) vegan, GMO free, fair trade, and have 2 facilities - one dedicated nut free and the other dedicated gluten free. They also have
lots of tasty things (though not all is gluten free)! Highly recommended, but I already said that.
Needless to say, I was super full once dinner was done, and this after only actually eating half my hamburger! (damn plague...) I'm going to have to come up with some other highly improbably dinner to tease him about now and as his birthday is in 4 months, I had better start thinking what I'm going to do now. Not sure I will ever be able to top this!
That was so incredibly sweet of K! I want to high-five him so badly, right now.