Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cinnamon Buns-7; Chelle-0

I don't know what it is, exactly, that I am doing wrong, but for whatever reason I just can't seem to get it right when it comes to cinnamon buns. It appears that I am doing it so wrong that I can't even get cinnamon roll pancakes right! I was trying to make this:

What I ended up with was this:

Those two plates barely look like they hold food stuffs of the same SHAPE for pete's sake! The pancakes in the forgound of the bottom photo really were the end product. The pancakes up in the right, top hand corner were the end result after I threw in the towel and went for looks and a not-burnt taste effect. *sigh*

The recipe, which is really quite simple, started off just fine. The pancake batter itself was very simple, though was geared for a regular gluten based flour recipe. I kept the skillet on a low heat to try to avoid scorching the sugar and butter mix that was supposed to "melt" away to leave the grooves that the cream cheese glaze was supposed to melt into after.

I personally kinda thought they looked like hypnotic pin wheels, or funky boobs (hypnotic boobs?), but it was early and I probably hadn't had enough coffee yet.

The problem came when you had to flip the pancakes. The recipe indicated that you wanted to heat the griddle to exactly 325, but I don't have an electric griddle (yet) so I'm guessing that the cast iron just got too hot. Maybe because the gluten free flour mix/batters absorb more liquid and are a bit heavier, the butter and sugar couldn't melt in as well either. *sigh* What I ended up with, before they got covered with cream cheese glaze, was this:


 Yeah, not quite the same as the first photo.
Fine. Whatever. I will figure this out, even though some days I do think it will be the end of me. Cinnamon rolls won't get the best of me, and the cream cheese stuff was awesome on toast! So there =)

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