Friday, March 1, 2013

Things to do...

I am a list person. Always have been. That doesn't mean I always do what's on my lists, or even remember to bring them with me, but I love my lists! Having spent the last couple of days laid up (as much as I could) from not feeling so well, I've been listing all the things that I want to do. There is St. Patrick's day coming up, and Easter falls into this month as well, and while I don't celebrate either of those per se, that doesn't mean that I won't use the timing to try some new and not so new recipes and products. I've also got it in my head that I want to work on my caramel recipe so that I can make the brownies that I set out to and so woefully screwed up the last time. If I succeed there, then I also want to try my hand at making the gluten and dairy free equivalent of rollos, which then made me think about trying to make peanut butter cups too! Add to that that I have a local sourced meal to plan, at least 1 epic birthday to attend (and since that one won't be mine, I should be relatively safe), a new restaurant to discover and quite a bit of just general living to do in between, I am very much looking forward to March!


  1. HA!!! Next thing you know, there will be color coded post-its!!! Then its only a matter of time until you move into the hard stuff: push pins, and string.

  2. I bought coloured highlighters yesterday.
