A couple of months ago, I decided to pop into one of my favourite stores to grab something to take with me for lunch at work. While snooping, I noticed in their refridgerator section that they carried little slices of cake from a company called Rawesome and that according to the packaging, they were raw, vegan, gluten free and made here in Montreal. Sweet! (pardon the pun) I grabbed a card for the company and then kinda forgot about them.
Last week, while cleaning out my wallet, I was going through all the business cards that I accumulate and found it. Now, I haven't seen any of the little cakes in the shop recently, so I went online to see where I could maybe get my hands on some, and realized that I was screwed. Not only were they very much still in business, but their head office/bakery is located about 500 meters from my apartment in the Nux Wellness Center (almost right across from the Vendome metro). Oooooh dear.
On Thursday, my friend Natasha and I spent the day together, and on our way home from the market, we stopped off at the Nux cafe. Firstly, everyone was very friendly, and we were able to pick up three different pieces of cake to take home and try. We most assuredly could have stayed to eat them there, but decided to actually have lunch before moving on to dessert.
This is where my lack of camera preparedness will become apparent. The images below are taken directly from the Rawesome website, and while mostly close to what we got, the individual slices do look a bit different. The pieces are each sized about as big as a playing card, which is actually reasonable, and price wise, they aren't really any more expensive than a non-specialty dessert out at a cafe.
The first one that we tried, the Pecan Caramel cheesecake, was the one that we didn't end up liking at all. The texture of the cake was fine, however! Very much as a cheesecake ought to be. It had an almost sour taste to it, that might have been from the caramel, with a pronounced coconut flavour, but whatever it was, neither of us enjoyed it, and we didn't even finish it.
The second cake that we tried, the Strawberry cheesecake, more than made up for the Caramel! The fellow who was helping up thought it was a raspberry, and because of the colour of the cake, I believed him even though the website doesn't list a raspberry. It didn't matter though as the flavour was delicious, light and fruity and so obviously not artificial that when you got a piece of actual srawberry from just over the crust you were almost expecting it. You could tell there was coconut in this as well, but only in the most peripheal way. Would definitely get this one again!

The third cake that we tried, the White Chocolate Cheesecake, was also amazing. Again, this was a wonderful vegan cheesecake; light and rich and frankly decadent. The top is dusted with raw cocoa powder, and the crust was a rich chocolate flavour, which framed the white chocolate filling beautifully. Wasn't too sweet, either, which I often found with traditional cheesecakes, so this really would make for a lovely dessert even after a substantial meal.
All in all, while I would have liked to have been able to try one of each kind of cake, I'm actually kind of glad that I now we didn't. I am looking forward to trying the lime and the lemon cakes very much. Not really a fan of chocolate and orange, but in the Name Of Science and Experimentation, that is a sacrifice I am more than willing to make!
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